![]() TM 32-5865-061-24&P
(7) Install A10, refer to para 5-4.3.
5-4.14 Wiring Harness (W35), Removal/Replacement. Generally the wire harness can
be repaired satisfactorily by following the procedures described in para 5-6.
When it becomes necessary to replace the entire wiring harness, carry out the
following steps:
Remove top and bottom access covers. Refer to para 5-4.1.
Remove CCA A5, refer to para 5-4.2 for procedure. Store A5 safely.
A c c e s s the underside of the unit, unsolder the wires connected to the
following components:
(1) PS5 (para 5-4.7)
(3) M1
(5) Y1 (para 5-4.5)
R e m o v e and retain the four screws securing A8 to the front panel and
unsolder all wires connected to the assembly. Remove A8 through the bottom
of the unit and store safely.
Unfasten the cable-ties securing the harness to the chassis. Remove cable
clamps as required.
A c c e s s the top of the unit and loosen t h e s c r e w r e t a i n i n g t h e t e r m i n a l
b l o c k s i n T B 1 . Remove the seven termi n a l b l o c k s f r o m T B 1 , l a b e l e a c h b o c k
as it is removed.
U s i n g c o n n e c t o r p i n i n s e r t i o n / r e m o v a l t o o l MS27534-20, remove all
connectors from each block.
Remove and retain the hardware securing ground-tree E4 to the chassis.
Remove and retain the two screws, nuts, flat washers and lock washers
s e c u r i n g T B 1 t o t h e c h a s s i s . R e m o v e the assembly from the chassis and
R e m o v e all connections from the terminals of CB1 thru CB5. Retain the ten
screws for reassembly.
Remove and retain the four screws, nuts, flat washers and lock washers
securing A5 mounting bracket to the chassis.
Remove and retain the hardware securing connector XA5 to the bracket.
Remove the bracket from the unit and retain for reassembly.
Remove and retain the screw, nut, flat washer and lock washer securing C1
to the chassis.
U n s o l d e r the wires connected to C1-1 and C1-2. Remove C1 from the unit and
retain for reassembly.
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