![]() TM 32-5865-061-24&P
T h e three wires c o n n e c t e d t o f a n B 1 ( w h i t e / y e l l o w , w h i t e / r e d a n d w h i t e /
g r e e n ) a r e p a r t o f B1 and remain in the unit when the harness is removed.
Unfasten the cable-ties securing the three wires to the harness and release
t h e m from the harness.
R e m o v e A10, refer to para 5-4.3. Store A10 safely.
Lower the heat-sink rear panel as follows:
(1) Remove and retain the 20 socket-head screws securing the panel to the
( 2 ) Taking care not to strain the RF cables, pull
the panel rearward and
lower onto the bench.
R e m o v e and retain the hardware securing ground-tree E5 and E6 to the panel.
Disconnect the wiring to A7 as follows:
(1) Unsolder the connection to ground terminal E1.
( 2 ) R e m o v e a n d r e t a i n t h e s i x s c r e w s , f l a t washers and lock washers
securing the top cover.
the cover and retain for reassembly.
(3) Unsolder the wires connected to FL1, FL2 and E2.
(4) Pull the wires through the grommet in the assembly.
Unsolder all wires connected to PS1 thru PS4.
Remove the jam-nuts securing J23 thru J25 to the heat-sink panel.
W h e n unfastening cable ties, take care not to cut or damage the RF
c a b l e assemblies.
Locate and remove the cable-ties and clamps which secure the RF cable
a s s e m b l i e s (routed from J1 thru J21 to XA1P2 thru XA4P2) to the harness.
R e m o v e and retain the hardware securing ground-trees E1 thru E3 to the
Unsolder the connections to S3.
U n s o l d e r the connections to AR1 thru AR4.
R e m o v e and retain the hardware securing connectors XA1P1 thru XA4P1 to the
Loosen the two screws to release the cable-clamp at the rear of connectors
XA1P2 thru XA4P2.
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