TM 32-5865-061-24&P
d e s c r i b e d i n t a b l e 5 - 7 . T h e following sub-paragraphs provide a general guide to
the repair of the harness:
To repair damaged multipin connectors:
(1) Push out the damaged pin using the contact removal tool.
(2) Remove damaged pins by cutting wire(s) as close to the pin(s) as
(3) Check that the shortened wire(s) can be reconnected without straining.
(4) Strip insulation and crimp on new pin(s).
(5) Insert new pin(s) into connector.
If the wire is strained by shortening, proceed as follows:
Make up a new wire of the required length.
Using cable markers, identify the wire at both ends with its wire
Crimp on a new pin and insert in the connector.
R o u t e t h e w i r e a l o n g t h e h a r n e s s , s e c u r e under the existing cable
Disconnect old wire at destination.
Use the correct termination for the new wire and connect at
Cut back the old wire to the first tie point at each end.
Inspect the assembly as described
by replacing faulty or damaged components.
t a b l e 5 - 8 . Replace faulty components as follows:
a. Replace faulty indicator lens as follows:
I n d i v i d u a l lens may be replaced without removing the complete assem-
bly from the unit.
(1) Using a small flat point screwdriver in the groove at the top of the
indicator light assembly, gently remove the lens.
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