![]() TM 32-5865-061-24&P
e. Supporting the assembly, remove and retain the four nuts, flat washers and
lock washers securing the assembly to the chassis.
f. Moving A5 mounting bracket toward the rear of the unit, lift Y1, label and
u n s o l d e r a l l r e m a i n i n g c o n n e c t i o n s . R e m o v e through the top of the unit.
Remove and retain AT5.
To install a replacement assembly, reverse the procedure described in steps
a . t h r u g . T o r q u e SMA connectors to 8-inch pounds.
T e s t the unit using AN/USM-410 to verify repair.
5-4.6 Power Supplies (PS1 thru PS4), Removal/Installation. Power Supplies PS1
t h r u PS4 are located on the heat sink panel at the rear of the unit. The assem-
blies are removed from the unit as follows:
a. Remove all cables and A10 from the rear panel. Refer to para 5-4.3.
R e m o v e and retain the 20 socket-head screws and washers securing the heat
sink panel to the chassis.
c . T a k i n g c a r e n o t t o s t r a i n t h e c a b l e - f o r m , l o w e r and support the heat-sink
Label and unsolder all connecting wires to the power supply being removed.
e. Support the assembly and remove and retain securing screws and washers.
Lift the power supply from the heat-sink panel and remove from the chassis.
D o not bend or flex the thermal gasket. The heat conducting proper-
t i e s are affected when the gasket is cracked or delaminated. An un-
serviceable gasket could cause damage to the power supply module.
Inspect the thermal gasket. Replace as necessary.
Use insulated sleeving (heat-shrink)
on all soldered connections.
To install a replacement assembly, reverse the procedure described in steps
a. thru g.
P S 5 is removed from the chassis
5 - 4 . 7 P o w e r S u p p l y ( PS5) , R e m o v a l / I n s t a l l a t i o n .
as follows:
a. Remove top and bottom access covers. Refer to para 5-4.1.
Remove A5, refer to para 5-4.2. Store the A5 safely.
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