![]() TM 32-5865-061-24&P
R e m o v e and retain the two screws and washers from the terminals of the
replacement circuit breaker.
Set the circuit breaker to the closed position (white band not visible).
k. T o i n s t a l l t h e r e p l a c e m e n t , r e v e r s e t h e p r o c e d u r e d e t a i l e d i n s t e p s a . t h r u
f. above. Use the hardware retained in steps h. and i.
5 - 4 . 1 3 RF Cable Assemblies (W1 thru W33), R e m o v a l / I n s t a l l a t i o n . S e v e n d i f f e r e n t
types of RF cable assemblies are used in the unit. Table 5-4 identifies the cable
assembly by part number and describes the routing of individual cables. Cables
are removed/installed as follows:
T o r q u e SMA connectors to 8 inch-pounds.
Lower the heat-sink panel as follows:
(1) Disconnect all cables connected at the rear panel and remove A10.
Refer to para 5-4.3.
( 2 ) Remove and retain the 20 socket-head screws and washers securing the
heat-sink panel to the chassis.
(3) Taking care not to strain the cable-harness, lower and support the
heat-sink panel.
Identify the cable assembly to be removed.
R e m o v e cable assemblies W1 thru W12 as follows:
(1) Remove the jam-nut securing the connector (J1 thru J12) to the rear
p a n e l at the P1 end.
W h e n unfastening cable ties, t a k e care not to cut or damage the wire
(2) Unfasten the cable ties securing the cable to the harness. Loosen
c a b l e clamps as necessary.
(3) Loosen the two screws and release the cable-clamp at the rear of the
c o n n e c t o r at the E1 end (XA1P2 thru XA4P2).
(4) Using extraction tool CET-6B (access from front of unit), remove the
coaxial contact from the connector.
(5) Remove the cable from the unit.
(6) To install a replacement cable, reverse the procedure described in
steps c.(1) thru c.(5).
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