![]() TM 32-5865-061-24&P
2 - 7 . 3 T e s t . Test the unit using the system BITE test. Refer to the System
Operator's manual TM 32-5865-060-10, for the BITE procedure.
W h e n necessary, replace front panel indicator lamps as
2-7.4 Lamp Replacement.
Using a small flat-tip screwdriver in the groove at the top of the lamp-
holder, gently remove the lamp-holder.
Insert the tip of the screwdriver under the lip of the defective lamp.
c. Lift the lamp from its holder.
Insert a serviceable lamp into the holder and press down until seated.
R e - i n s e r t the lamp-holder into the body of the assembly and gently press
down. T h e i n d i c a t o r w i l l l o c k i n t o p l a c e .
2-7.5 Filter Removal. To remove the filter located on the right hand side of the
chassis, perform the following:
Ensure the gasket is
An RFI gasket is fitted to the assembly.
u n d a m a g e d and seats correctly when the filter is replaced.
R e m o v e and retain eight screws securing t h e f i l t e r t o t h e c h a s s i s .
Remove filter from the chassis.
To install a replacement filter reverse steps a. thru b. above.
2-5/(2-6 blank)
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