TM 5-6350-264-14&P-3
NAVELEX EE 181-AA-OMI-040/E121 R1860 M9443
TO 31S9-2FSS9-1-3
Table 5-1. Troubleshooting Procedures - Continued
Probable cause
Corrective action
2. (cont)
b. (cont)
TBI-1 and TB1-2 in the Processor.
Carry the Receiver around the pro-
tected area and check for sources of
energy. When the Receiver detects
stray ultrasonic energy, the meter
indication will change from less
than 2,000 ohms to over 100,000
ohms to signal an alarm status. Pay
special attention to operating
equipment such as motors, fans,
bells, buzzers and horns. Other
likely sources are ducts, vents, win-
dows, and cracks in walls, floors,
ceilings, and areas around doors and
windows. Vents and windows
should be baffled, cracks caulked.
If the problem cannot be eliminated,
receivers may be added or relocated
as necessary.
c. Poor or broken
a. Check that Receiver TB1-9 and Pro-
systems ground
cessor TB1-9 and TB2-9 are con-
nected to housings and conduit.
b. Use the multimeter set on ohms to
check between these terminals and
c. If a high resistance is found at any of
these points, check for bad connec-
tions. Remove the PC board, and
visually inspect the underside of the
board where it connects to the
housing. Ensure that circuitry is
clean and unbroken. If any broken
or damaged circuitry is found, re-
place PC board. Check that paint
has been removed from housing
where conduit is connected. Check
that conduit retainers are tight.
(1) To remove Processor PC board,
tag and disconnect wires from
TB1 and TB2. Remove screws.
Remove PC board.
(2) To install new PC board, orient
the board so the terminal strips
are adjacent to conduit entrance
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