![]() TM 5-6350-264-14&P-3
NAVELEX EE 181-AA-OMI-040/E121 R1860 M9443
TO 31S9-2FSS9-1-3
Table 5-1. Troubleshooting Procedures - Continued
Probable cause
Corrective action
1. (cont)
h (cont)
b. Remove wire from TB1-7 in the Pro-
cessor. The meter indication should
change to over 100,000 ohms.
c. If the meter does not match these in-
dications, replace the Processor PC
(1) To remove Processor PC board,
tag and disconnect wires from
TB1 and TB2. Remove screws.
Remove PC board.
(2) To install new PC board, orient
the board so the terminal strips
are adjacent to conduit entrance
holes. Secure the PC board to
the chassis with screws. Con-
nect wires to TB1 and TB2.
(3) Adjust sensitivity control per
steps in TM 5-6350-264-14/1.
2. Nuisance
a. Receiver gain
Calibrate gain and sensitivity controls
control or
per steps in TM 5-6350-264-14/1.
control set
too high.
b. Stray ultra-
a. When the Passive Ultrasonic Sensor is
sonic energy
first set up, all machinery or other
in protected
equipment that will be operating in
the secure area should be turned on
so the Sensor can be adjusted to the
proper level of sensitivity. Any
changes in operating equipment or
any piece of faulty equipment can
cause nuisance alarms.
b. Check for stray ultrasonic energy by
using a dismounted Receiver to
listen throughout the protected
area. Temporarily connect a signal
cable from Receiver TBl-1 and
TB1-2 to Processor TB2-1 and TB2-2.
Disconnect the wires from Processor
TBL-1 and TB1-2. Set multimeter
on ohms and connect leads to
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