![]() TM 5-6350-264-14&P-12
NAVELEX EE 181-AA-OMI-120/E121 C-7359-60-1
TO 31S9-2FSS9-1-12
Table 5-1. Troubleshooting Procedures - Continued
Corrective action
Probable cause
(2) To replace Data Transmitter,
1. (cont)
a. (cont)
remove screws that secure
cover and remove cover from
new Transmitter. Position code
plug from old Transmitter over
socket X1 on PC board A2.
Turn code plug so that dot or
notched corner on plug lines
up with dot on PC board. Care-
fully push plug into socket.
Replace cover and secure with
screws. Position Transmitter
over standoffs in CU and insert
four screws. Tighten screws to
secure Transmitter. Connect
wires to TB6 and TB7 in CU.
a. If meter indicated 45,000 to
b. Bad Data Transmitter.
55,000 ohms in step b. above,
check between black and gray
wires. Note indication and re-
verse meter leads. Meter should
indicate 0 ohms (short) in both
directions. Check between black
(or gray) wire and blue, orange,
yellow and white wires. Note
indication and reverse meter
leads. Meter should indicate
8,000 to 10,000 ohms in one
direction, and 12,000 to 15,000
ohms in the other direction.
Check between black and green
wires. Note indication and re-
verse meter leads. Meter should
indicate 45,000 to 55,000 ohms
in both directions. Check between
black and red wires. Note indica-
tion and reverse meter leads.
Meter should indicate infinity
(open) in one direction and
12,000 to 18,000 ohms in the
other direction.
b. If any of these indications are in-
correct, replace Data Transmitter.
(1) To remove Data Transmitter,
tag, identify and disconnect
wires from TB6 and TB7.
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