![]() TM 32-5865-061-24&P
Section I.
C - 1 . SCOPE . T h i s m a n u a l l i s t s s p a r e s a n d r e p a i r p a r t s , s p e c i a l t o o l s ; s p e c i a l
test, measurement, and diagnostic equipment (TMDE), and other special support
equipment required for performance of organizational, direct support, and general
It authorizes the requisition-
s u p p o r t maintenance of the Receiver R-2197/MLQ-34.
ing and issue of spares and repair parts as indicated by the source and mainte-
nance codes.
C-2 . G E N E R A L . This Repair Parts and Special Tools List is divided into the
following sections:
a . S e c t i o n I I . Repair Parts List. A list of spares and repair parts author-
ized for use in the performance of maintenance. T h e l i s t a l s o i n c l u d e s p a r t s
Parts lists are
which must be removed for replacement of the authorized parts.
c o m p o s e d of functional groups in numeric sequence, with the parts in each group
listed in figure and item number sequence. Bulk materials are listed in NSN
b . S e c t i o n I I I . Special Tools List. A list of special tools, special TMDE
and other special support equipment authorized for the performance of maintenance.
c . S e c t i o n I V . N a t i o n a l Stock Number and Part Number Index. A list, in
National item identification number (NIIN) sequence, of all National stock numbers
(NSN) appearing in the listings, followed by a list in alphameric sequence of all
p a r t n u m b e r s a p p e a r i n g i n t h e l i s t i n g s . N a t i o n a l stock numbers and part numbers
are cross-referenced to each illustration figure and item number appearance. This
index is followed by a cross-reference list of reference designators to figure and
i t e m numbers.
This column is divided as follows:
(1) Figure Number.
Indicates the figure number of the illustration on
which the item is shown.
T h e number used to identify item called out in the
(2) Item Number.
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