![]() TM 32-5865-061-24&P
(2) Pull the lens out to the extent of the retaining spring.
(3) Insert the blade of the screwdriver between the retaining spring and
the top of the sleeve. Gently depress the spring to release the lens
from the sleeve.
(4) Ensure the replacement lens is fitted with serviceable lamps.
(5) Insert the lens into the sleeve and push gently until the retaining
spring snaps into position.
b. Replace Indicator Assembly/Printed Wiring Board on A8 as follows:
U s e a low temperature soldering iron tip or appropriate heat-sink to
avoid damage to printed wiring board.
(1) Use solder wick or suction to remove solder from all connections to
the printed wiring board.
( 2 ) Remove and retain the f o u r s c r e w s s e c u r i n g t h e p r i n t e d w i r i n g b o a r d t o
the assembly.
(3) Remove the board from the assembly.
(4) Discard the faulty component.
(5) Assemble the replacement part to the component retained in step b. (4).
(6) Use the four screws retained in step b.(2) to secure the printed
wiring board to the assembly.
(7) Solder the printed wiring board to the assembly.
(8) Ensure the repaired assembly meets all the requirements of table 5-8.
by replacing faulty or damaged components identified during test or inspection,
refer to table 5-9. Table 5-10 is a wire list for the assembly. Disassembly
Refer to NAVTORPSTA REPORT 1347, Guide
procedures are described in para 5-8.1.
Manual for Repair of Electronic Modules, for repair procedures for A10A1 and A10A2.
5-8.1 Disassembly of A10. This paragraph describes the procedures for removal/
i n s t a l l a t i o n o f c o m p o n e n t s a n d sub-assemblies of A10.
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