![]() TM 32-5865-061-24&P
S C O P E . This chapter provides the information required for general support
m a i n t e n a n c e personnel to perform the maintenance tasks authorized in the mainte-
nance allocation chart (MAC). Maintenance is performed using Electronic Equipment
Test Station AN/USM-410 for those items listed in table 5-1. Manual testing
p r o c e d u r e s are provided for those modules not tested on the AN/USM-410. These
m o d u l e s will be evacuated to SIG/INT EW Section for diagnostic testing and repair.
TEST LEVEL DESCRIPTIONS. Four levels of test can be performed using the
The levels are defined as follows:
Level 1.
Go-chain (performance) test at unit level. No disassembly is
b. L e v e l 2 . Unit level diagnostic tests necessary to isolate faults to a
printed circuit assembly/module; or a functional group of printed circuit
Minimal disassembly is required for testing.
c. L e v e l
Go-chain (performance) tests at printed circuit assembly/module
d . Level 4. Printed circuit assembly/module level diagnostic tests necessary
to fault isolate to the active piece part/functional group.
t a b l e 5-1 require Interface Devices (ID) and cables to connect the UUT to the
T h e required items of test equipment for each UUT are identified in
Interconnection data is shown in the referenced figure. Automatic
T e s t Equipment Software Programs (ATESP) written for the UUTs specified are stored
o n Test Program Tape (TPT) and are identified by a specific TPT number.
number, program entry points, and file names are listed in table 5-1. Operation
o f the AN/USM-410 is described in technical manual Test Station Electronic Equip-
ment AN/USM-410(XE-3A)(V) PDEP11-6625-2773-12-3.
T h e test procedure for each UUT
is as follows:
(1) Inspect the UUT as described in table 5-2.
(2) Correct any defects found before beginning testing.
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