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TM 32-5865-061-24&P
provide a functional description of the Receiver Set circuit card assemblies.
3-3.1 Buffer Amplifier CCA (A5) Functional Description. Refer to figure 3-3, a
f u n c t i o n a l bl o c k dia g r a m o f C C A A5 .  T h i s CCA provides 5 MHz reference clock
T h e s e functions are
signals and monitors the fault status of the Receiver Set.
described in the following subparagraphs.
3 - 3 . 1 . 1 5 M H z R e f e r e n c e S i g n a l s .  T h e 5 MHz REF clock signal is buffered by AR1
A R 3 provides the four 5 MHz reference signals for
a n d fed to drivers AR2 and AR3.
t h e r e c e i v e r s .  A R 2 provides three 5 MHz reference outputs and the input to T1.
T 1 provides a 5 MHz differential sine wave output for system use. Buffer AR1 also
feeds 5 MHz REF to a level detector circuit U3.  The circuit detects the presence
o f t h e 5 M H z s i g n a l .  W h e n the signal falls below a preset level, comparator U3
provides current to operate relay K2.  The normally open contacts of K2 close,
f e e d i n g +24V to the REF OSC FAILURE indicator lamp on the front panel.
3 - 3 . 1 . 2 E n c l o s u r e S t a t u s .  C o m p a r a t o r U1 monitors the status of the temperature
s e n s o r c o n t a c t s .  W h e n the contacts open, U 1 provides the current to energize
r e l a y K 1 .  O n e set of contacts feeds +24V to the OVER TEMP indicator lamp on the
front  panel.  The other set of relay contacts grounds the input of line driver
U2 .  U 2 also has as inputs fault status signals from A6, and relay K2 in the 5 MHz
r e f e r e n c e  f a u l t  d e t e c t o r  c i r c u i t .  W h e n a fault condition exists, U2 provides the
d i f f e r e n t i a l signal ENCLOSURE FAULT.
3 - 3 . 1 . 3  P o w e r  S u p p l i e s .  + 1 5 V and +5V are derived from the +24V supply by
r e g u l a t o r s VR1 and VR2.
These supply power for the integrated circuits on the
+ 1 5 V is fed out to Supply module Y1, and AR1 through AR4, mounted on the
Receiver Set chassis.
3-3.2 Power Supply Monitor CCA (A6) Functional Description. Refer to figure 3-4,
a functional block diagram of A6.  A 6 p r o v i d e s o v e r v o l t a g e p r o t e c t i o n f o r t h e
circuits and assemblies in the Receiver Set.
S i x crowbar devices U1 thru U6
m o n i t o r t h e p o w e r s u p p l y o u t p u t v o l t a g e s .  T h e y operate when there is an over-
voltage condition short circuiting the power supply. This causes the overcurrent
protection circuit, part of each power supply module, to operate. The power
supply voltages are also monitored by opto-isolator devices U7 through U9 in
s e r i e s .  When any one power supply voltage fails the appropriate device switches
o f f l a m p d r i v e r t r a n s i s t o r s Q 1 a n d Q 2 .  T h i s condition causes the power indicator
lamp to go out and relay K1 is deenergized providing the POWER SUPPLY STATUS

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