NAVSHIPS 0967-2174010
T M 11-5895490-20
e. Mode C (Altitude) Tests. Mode C tests
( 3 ) Obtain the local barometric altitude
are performed with the RT-859/APX72 con-
from the operations group and refer
nected to an auxiliary Pressure Altitude Digi-
to the chart below for the AN/APM-
tizer CPU-66/A, or equivalent.
123A (V) code control settings to be
used, Preset this code in the AN/
(1) Set the AN/APM-123A (V) MODE
switch to C and FUNCTION switch
Note: The chart provides altitudes in increments of
(2) Set the C-6280 (P)/APX M-C switch
100-foot values. The code settings shown for each value
should be used for altitudes 50 feet below and above
to ON and all other mode switches to
that shown. For example, when the local barometric
altitude is between 50 and 150 feet, use 100 feet, etc.
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