NAVSHIPS 0967-217-4010
TM 11-5895-490-20
paragraph 310a, move the AN/
APM-123A (V) 10 feet closer to the
aircraft transponder antenna. Set
the FUNCTION switch to SYSTEM.
If the ACCEPT indicator lights, the
RT859/APX-72 power output is
abnormal. If the REJECT indicator
lights, the coder operation is ab-
(3) Press the AN/APM - 123A(V)
PRESS TO TEST switch. The AC-
( 6 ) Connect the AN/APM-l23A (V) for
CEPT indicator should light. If the
nonradiation operation, direct cou-
REJECT indicator lights, perform
the procedure, given in (4) below and
pling (para 3-10b). Press the
PRESS TO TEST switch. If the
then perform the procedures given
ACCEPT indicator lights, the an-
in (5) and (6) below as applicable.
(4) Press and turn the AN/APM-
tenna system is defective. If the RE-
123A (V) PRESS TO TEST switch
JECT indicator lights, the RT859/
APX72 is defective.
to LOCK and set the AN/APM
123A (V) FUNCTION switch to
c. Emergency Tests (Military and Civil).
(1) Military emergency tests can be per-
dicator lights, the RT859/APX72
performed in modes 1, 2, and 3/A.
power output is abnormal, the coder
Civil emergency tests can be per-
operation is abnormal, or the an-
formed in mode 3/A only. Set the
tenna system (except when using
C-6280 (P) /APX MASTER control
direct coupling) is defective. To de-
t o EMER and the AN/APM-
termine if the RT859/APX-72
123A (V) FUNCTION switch to
power output or coder operation is
EMER. Use the chart below to set
abnormal, perform the procedure in
the mode and code switches of the
(5) below. TO determine if the tran-
AN/APM - 123A(V), C - 6280(P)/
sponder antenna system is defective,
APX, and RT-859/APX-72.
perform the procedure in (6) below.
Note: Emergency operation may interfere with dis-
(5) If using the radiation test setup of
tress signals. Perform the tests as quickly as possible.
(2) Set the AN/APM-123A(V) and
(2) Press the AN/APM-123A(v)
PRESS TO TEST switch. The AC-
C6280(P)/APX code and mode
CEPT indicator should light.
switches in accordance with the in-
structions in b (1) and b (2), above.
(3) Set the C-6280(P)/APX MASTER
(3) Set the AN/APM-123A (V) FUNC-
control to NORM.
TION switch to IDENT and press
d. Identification of Position Test.
the AN/APM-123A (V) PRESS TO
(1) Set the C-6280 (P)/APX I D E N T -
TEST switch. The ACCEPT indica-
MIC switch to IDENT.
tor should light.
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