NAVSHIPS 0967-217-4010
TM 11-5895-490-20
13070/5 (Navy), TM 38-750 (Army), and
AFTO Form 29/29A (Air Force).
tematic care and cleaning essential to proper
upkeep and operation of the equipment.
Checks and Services
b. Maintenance Checks and Services. The
The intermediate preventive maintenance
maintenance checks and services charts (para
checks and services chart (para 3-5) provides
35 and 3-16) outline functions to be per-
verification of satisfactory operation at inter-
formed at specific intervals. These checks and
vals between the periodic inspections. The in-
services are performed to determine that the
terval at which the intermediate maintenance
equipment is in good general (physical) condi-
will be accomplished is 25 flying hours. The
tion, and good operating condition, and likely
intermediate maintenance should be performed
to remain combat serviceable. To assist the or-
concurrently with the intermediate mainte-
ganizational maintenance repairman in deter-
nance performed on the aircraft in which the
mining and maintaining combat serviceability,
equipment is installed. Adjustments of the
the charts indicate what to inspect, how to in-
maintenance interval should be made to compo-
spect, and what the normal conditions are; the
nents for any unusual operating conditions.
Reference column lists the appropriate refer-
Equipment maintained in a standby (ready for
ences and also contains corrective data infor-
immediate operation) condition must have in-
mation. If the defect cannot be remedied by the
termediate maintenance performed on aircraft
organizational maintenance repairman, a higher
that is in a standby condition. Equipment in
category of maintenance or repair is required.
limited storage (requires service before inspec-
Records and reports of these inspections must
tion) does not require intermediate mainte-
be made in accordance with NAVWEPS Form
Cable connectors
Check all connections to the RT-859/APX-72 and allied
components ensuring that they are all clean, intact, and not
loose fitting.
Check for 5 psig pressure.
Exterior surfaces
Remove all dirt, grease, and moisture from all external sur- Para 37
faces as required. Check general condition of RT-859/
and 38
Inspect for scratched paint, missing screws, and bent or
broken hardware. Repair as necessary.
Check to see that the indicators are in good condition and Para 37
that their glass surfaces are clean and not cracked or
Check all operating fuses for condition and correct values.
Check spare fuses for proper value and quantity.
Knobs, dials, and switches
Check each control for proper mechanical action. Observe that
the mechanical action is without backlash, binding or
Inspect seating and stability of MT-3809/APX-72 or MT-
3948/-APX-72. Check for loose or missing hardware and
tighten or replace as necessary.
Power-on inspection
Check to see that, the RT859/APX-72 operates in accordance Para 3-9
with the power-on inspection procedures.
If required.
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