NAVSHIPS 0967-217-4010
TM 11-5895-490-20
b. Starting. (cont)
NORM--normal receiver sensi-
EMER--refer to para 2-5c.
ON--as required, refer to para
C-6280(P)/APX (fig. 2-1)
M-1, M-2, M-3/A, MC and
MODE 4 switches
LIGHT--refer to para 2-5d.
C-6280(P)/APX (fig. 2-1)
OUT--refer to para 25b.
C-6280(P)/APX (fig. 2-1)
IDENT-MIC switch
C-6280(P)/APX (fig. 2-1)
of the RT859/APX72, set controls of the
C6280(P)/APX (fig. 21) as follows:
a. Normal Operation. For normal operation
LOW or NORM as required.
MASTER control
M-1, M-2, M-3/A, MC, and
ON--unless operational requirements indicate that only specific
modes are to be used, then all other mode switches will be
MODE 4 switches
LIGHT-refer to para 2-5d.
OUT-refer to para 2-5b.
IDENT-MIC switch
d. Identification of Position (I/P) Operation.
APX-72 may be used to transmit specially
coded emergency signals on modes 1, 2, and
The RT859/APX-72 will transmit position
3/A to all interrogating stations. These emer-
identifying signals to all interrogating stations
on modes 1, 2, and 3/A when the IDENT-MIC
gency signals will be transmitted as long as
the MASTER control on the C-6280(P)/APX
switch on the C-6280(P)/APX is set to
IDENT. Transmission of the I/P signal will
remains in the EMER position. For emergency
occur in these modes even if the mode enable
operation, set the C-6280(P)/APX control as
switches are in the OUT position. The I/P
operation is as follows:
(1) Pull the MASTER control knob out-
Momentarily hold the IDENT-MIC
ward and rotate to the EMER posi-
switch in the IDENT position
(spring-loaded return) and then re-
(2) Let the MASTER control remain in
lease it. This action will cause the
the EMER position for the duration
RT-859/APX-72 to transmit the
of the emergency.
I/P signal for a period of approxi-
(3) When the emergency is over, return
mately 30 seconds to all interrogat-
the MASTER control to the NORM
ing stations on modes 1, 2, and 3/A.
or LOW position.
Repeat as required.
d. Monitoring Operation. Valid mode 4 inter-
c. Emergency Operation. During an aircraft
rogations and replies can be monitored either
emergency or distress condition, the RT-859/
aurally and visually or visually by placement
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