TM 11-5865-215-13
instruction (one, two or three bytes) is obtained from memory and
deposited in the CPU'S instruction register. During the execution
phase, the instruction is decoded and translated into specific process-
ing activities.
Every instruction cycle consists of from one to five machine
cycles. A machine cycle is required each time the CPU accesses
memory or an I/O port. The fetch portion of an instruction cycle
requires one machine cycle for each byte to be fetched. The duration
of the execution portion of the instruction cycle depends on the kind
of instruction that has been fetched and may vary from zero to two
machine cycles.
c. Microprocessor Program Memory. Programmer memory CCA A4 stores
all instructions (firmware) required by the microprocessor to perform
the receiver control functions. Sixteen ROM chips, each with a stor-
age capacity of 256 8-bit instruction words, provide a total of up to
4096 instruction words, or 32,768 bits of microprocessor program
memory (see figure FO-7).
The microprocessor accesses the 8-bit instruction word. by providing
a 12-bit address output during the fetch portion of the instruction
cycle. The first 8 bits provide a 1-of-256 address selection func-
tion. The upper 4 bits provide a binary 0C0 thru 0C3 code which is
translated by control CCA A7 into a memory address chip selection
signal (CS0 thru CS15). This l-of-16 memory chip selection code is
sometimes referred to as the ROM page portion of the l2-bit address.
sponding ROM chips selected on CCA A4. The resulting 8-bit output
instruction is transferred to the microprocessor during the instruc-
tion cycle fetch interval.
d. Keyboard Scan. Tile microprocessor sees the front panel key-
board as a 4-row by 11-column matrix (see figure 5-5). Each key has
its own unique matrix position for firmware identification. The ma-
trix position of the AUTO STEP key, for example, is 19 (row 1, column
9). The microprocessor scans the keyboard, four horizontal keys at a
time, starting at a group consisting of the SQL (squelch) key, TEST
TONE key, and two unused positions (matrix positions 11 thru 14), and
finishing the scan at a group consisting of the HOLD key, COARSE key,
and one unused position matrix positions 49, 4A, and 4B). Scanning
begins when the microprocessor selects output port O and sends the
following code to output port 0:
O --
O -
This code output enables matrix row 1. The microprocessor next se-
lects input port 4 to read the first four columns of row 1 via the
IB40 thru IB43 lines to see if any one of the keys has been pressed.
For this scan activity, rOWS are selected, and columns are read using
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