TM 5-6350-264-14&P-12
NAVELEX EE 181-AA-OMI-120/E121 C-7359-60-1
TO 31S9-2FSS9-1-12
To replace Data Receiver, plug Receiver
or notched comer on the plug lines up
into bottom of status monitor module.
with dot on the PC board. Carefully
Tighten captive screws to secure Receiv-
push plug into socket. Replace cover
er to module. Replace status monitor
and secure with screws.
module in swingout rack and secure
with screws. Secure swingout rack.
To remove interconnecting wires (600-
Turn on switch S1 on power supply.
ohm twisted pair), disconnect wires from
TB-1 and 2 in Data Transmitter. Tag
and disconnect wires from terminals in
Monitor Cabinet. Check interconnecting
Code plugs in Data Transmitter
wiring diagram for terminals in Monitor
and Data Receiver must have
matching serial numbers or system
will not operate properly. There-
To replace interconnecting wiring (600-
fore, code plugs must be replaced
ohm twisted pair), install wires per steps
in pairs.
in TM 5-6350-264-14/1 System Manual.
Connect wires to TB1-1 and 2 on Data
To remove code plug from Data Re-
Transmitter baseplate. Check intercon-
ceiver, unlock and open Monitor Cabi-
necting wiring diagram for terminals in
net, and turn off switch S1 on power
Monitor Cabinet. The wiring diagram is
supply. Release swingout rack. Remove
stored inside the Control Unit door.
screws that secure status monitor mod-
ule to rack and remove module through
After replacement of major components
front of rack. Loosen captive screws
or assemblies, test the DTS for proper
and remove Data Receiver from bot-
operation as follows:
tom of module. Remove screws that
secure cover, and remove cover. Re-
(1) Turn mode switch on CU to AC-
move the code plug from its socket
CESS, open CU door, and pull
on PC board Al.
Tamper Alarm Switch (TAS) plung-
er all the way out. Turn mode
To replace code plug in Data Receiver,
switch to TEST/RESET and then
position plug over socket Xl on PC
t o S E C U R E . Monitor Cabinet
board Al. Turn plug so pointed dot or
should indicate a secure condition.
notched comer on plug lines up with
dot on PC board. Carefully push plug
(2) If an Ultrasonic Motion Sensor
into socket. Replace cover and secure
(UMS) is installed near the CU,
with screws. Plug Data Receiver into
ensure that it does not cause an
bottom of status monitor module.
alarm to be activated when a se-
Tighten captive screws to secure Re-
cure condition is desired. Create
ceiver to module. Replace status moni-
an alarm condition (by activating
tor module in swingout rack and secure
a nearby sensor). After expiration
with screws. Secure swingout rack.
of the time delay period, the
Turn on switch S1 on power supply.
Monitor Cabinet should indicate
an alarm condition.
To remove code plug from Data Trans-
mitter, unlock and open CU. Remove
(3) Remove cause of alarm, turn mode
screws that secure Transmitter cover
switch to TEST/RESET and then
to baseplate and remove cover. Remove
to SECURE. At the Monitor Cabi-
code plug from socket on PC board A2.
net, go to the Status Monitor Mod-
ule with alarm lights flashing and
To replace code plug in Data Trans-
move reset switch to ACK and then
mitter, position plug over socket Xl on
to RESET. Monitor Cabinet should
PC board AZ. Turn plug so painted dot
indicate a secure condition.
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