![]() TM 5-6350-264-14&P-12
NAVELEX EE 181-AA-OMI-120/E121 C-7359-60-1
TO 31S9-2FSS9-1-12
Table 5-1. Troubleshooting Procedures - Continued
Corrective action
Probable cause
and remove Data Receiver from
c. (cont)
2. (cont)
bottom of module. Remove screws
that secure cover. Remove cap
tive screws and remove Receiver
cover. Plug Data Receiver into
status monitor module and tem-
porarily secure with string or
tape. Ensure that test points on
bottom edge of PC boards are
not covered. Replace status
monitor module in swingout
rack and secure with screws.
Turn on switch S1 on power sup
ply. Wait one or two minutes for
system to stabilize; then push
RESET button in CU.
a. Set multimeter to dc volts and con-
nect positive meter lead to Data
Receiver PC board A4-TP4, yellow,
and negative meter lead to A4-TP3,
orange. Meter should indicate 20
1 vdc. Maintain this check for a
period of time to ensure that vol-
tage is stable.
b. Connect positive meter lead to A4-
TP2, red and negative meter lead
to A4-TP3, orange. Meter should
indicate 6.8 0.4 vdc. Maintain
this check for a period of time to
ensure that voltage is stable.
c. If voltage changes during either of
these checks, replace Data Receiver.
(1) To remove Data Receiver remove
captive screws that secure Data
Receiver to Status Monitor.
(2) Remove code plug from its socket
on PC board A1.
(3) To replace Data Receiver, remove
screws that secure cover and
remove captive screws. Remove
cover from new Receiver. Posi-
tion code plug from old Receiver
over socket X1 on PC board A1.
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