![]() TM 5-6350-264-14&P-12
NAVELEX EE 181-AA-OMI-120/E121 C-7359-60-1
TO 31S9-2FSS9-1-12
Table 5-1. Troubleshooting Procedures - Continued
Probable cause
Corrective action
1. (cont)
h. (cont)
(1) Remove code plug from its
socket on PC board A1.
(2) To replace Data Receiver, remove
screws that secure cover and
remove cover from new Re-
ceiver. Position code plug from
old Receiver over socket X1
on PC board A1. Turn code
plug so that painted dot or
notched comer on plug lines
up with dot on PC board. Care-
fully push plug into socket.
Replace cover and secure with
screws. Plug Receiver into
status monitor module. Tighten
captive screws to secure Re-
ceiver to status monitor module.
Replace status monitor module
in swingout rack and secure
with screws. Turn on switch S1
on power supply. Wait one or
two minutes for system to sta-
bilize; then push RESYNC
button in CU.
2. Frequent
a. Poor wire
a. Inspect all terminal points for inter-
connecting wires. Check Data Trans-
mitter wires connected to TB6 and
TB7 in CU. Check transmission line
connections to TB1-1 and 2 on Data
Transmitter. Check transmission line
connections in Monitor Cabinets:
1-zone TBB-A and A,
5-zone TBF-A and A, or B and B,
or C and C, or D and D, or E
and E,
25-zone TBDD-A and A, or B and
B, or C and C, or D and D, or E
and E; TBEE-A and A, or B and B,
or C and C, or D and D, or E and
E; TBFF-A and A, or B and B,
or C and C, or D and D, or E and
E; TBGG-A and A, or B and B,
or C and C, or D and D, or E and
E; TBHH-A and A, or B and B,
or C and C, or D and D, or E and E.
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