![]() TM 5-6350-264-14&P-12
NAVELEX EE 181-AA-OMI-120/E121 C-7359-60-1
TO 31S9-2FSS9-1-12
Table 5-1. Troubleshooting Procedures - Continued
Corrective action
Probable cause
(2) To replace Data Transmitter, re-
f. (cont)
1. (cont)
move screws that secure cover
and remove cover from new Trans-
mitter. Position code plug from
old Transmitter over socket X1
on PC board A2. Turn code plug
so that dot or notched corner on
plug lines up with dot on PC
board. Carefully push plug into
socket. Replace cover and secure
with screws. Position Trans-
mitter over standoffs in CU and
insert screws. Tighten screws to
secure Transmitter. Connect
wires to TB6 and TB7 in CU.
h. Remove all test leads and test equipment
from Data Transmitter.
a. Set multimeter to ac volts and connect
g. Bad Data
meter leads to Data Transmitter
Transmitter pro-
TB1-1 and 2. Meter should indicate
tection devices.
0.6 vac or more.
b. If meter indicates less than 0.6 vac,
turn off power switch S1 in CU.
Disconnect data transmission lines
from Data Transmitter TB1-1 and 2.
c. Set multimeter to ohms and connect
leads to post terminals E26 and E28
on Transmitter baseplate. Meter
should indicate less than one ohm.
d. If this indication is not correct, re-
place Data Transmitter.
e. Connect meter leads to terminals
E27 and E29. Meter should indi-
cate less than one ohm.
f. If this indication is not correct, re-
place Data Transmitter.
g. Connect meter leads between ter-
minal E26 and ground (aluminum
baseplate). Meter should indicate
over 100,000 ohms.
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